Vegetated Mat

It is a company that rewards customers' trust with
excellent quality through continuous research.

It is a company that rewards customers' trust with
excellent quality through continuous research.


IAN Coir Mat

IAN Coir Mat

  • Eco-friendly product made up eco-friendly material
  • IAN Coir Mat made up suitable thickness and two layers is no need to soil covering
  • This Coir Mat Structured by felt layer is excellent for preventing outflow Soil of revetment slope
식생매트 페이지 수정 사진
IAN Coir Mat Description
  • With the addition of organic substance fertilizer: Growth is rapid, Have a high level of completion of Vegetation, and Simple to use Mixed Seeds.
  • Excellented the graft-take of plants early, that is useful for build a plants-community faster.
  • Improvements the nonpoint source pollution.
  • Have a high applicability and stability.
IAN Coir Mat
Sectional plan
IAN Coir Mat :
Excellent erosion control
IAN Coir Mat Specifiation